Student Writing Portfolios for the New School Year!


Today was "Tutoring Monday" in the Edmunds household! We continued on with last weeks writing and officially put our writing portfolios together.

The boys began with a revising activity. I had one read each sentence of their paragraph out loud and the other had to tell them if a word in their sentence needed to be "bumped up" with a better word or if something needed to be added. They would highlight the word that needed to be changed and continue reading. Once their reading was complete, they would go through their paragraph changing words.
Once the revised their work, I had them use an editing mark sheet and checklist.
This editing sheet and checklist can be found in our new Writing Portfolio Pack :)
Then the boys chose a monthly writing sheet for their good copy
(which can also be found in our Writing Portfolio Pack).
I then had the boys rate their work. We discussed what "5 Stars" meant and we built a verbal 'success criteria'. They attached these rating tags to their work and put it in their portfolio binders
 *you could use duotangs, binders, folders etc. to keep their writing*
Next week we will be using the writing response sheets from our pack to take their writing a step further. It's quite a rewarding process that we often rush through in school.

We also worked on some reading strategies. Using a book called "Wink! The Ninja Who Wanted to be Noticed", we worked at taking jot notes while we read. I used these flapbook freebies by Amy Lemons.

The boys jotted down all of the characters that came into the story and the multiple settings.
By the way-- I used the "We Give Books" site to find this super cute book!

If you would like to pick a copy of our Writing Portfolio Pack you can grab it {HERE}!

I will leave you with this quote....I am thinking about making it poster size and keeping it up in my room this year.
Have a great week :)

