Spiders & Candy Corn Math

As metioned in my last post, this week we did a little non-fiction reading, as well as a little 3D art. Together, we read National Geographic Kid- SPIDERS.

We then made a list of the facts we learned, as a class.

Then the students created a fact sheet. Grades ones needed to write 2-3 facts and the grade twos wrote down 4 facts.

Grade 2

Grade 1

Our final product will be put together this week. Our facts will accompany our 3D spider webs.
I purchased this unit from tunstall times TPT store and tweeked it a little to fit into the grade one and two curriculum.

We also played ROLL & REMOVE to practice our quick addition facts.

Here are the kids playing it with Candy Corn this week:

{Here} is the Roll & Remove Game Board I created if any of you are interested.
You will need 2 dice for each pair. Place small cubes or markers (candy corn) and place it above the number. Roll the dice and add the two numbers together and remove the marker from the answer. The goal is to clear the game board.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend :)
