THE 100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!
100's Day was Monday for us. My teaching partner's husband found LOOOONG poster paper for $5 while he was out and about. So we decided to bring my class (1/2) and the other two grade 2 classes down to the gym, along with lots of craft supplies. The students created themselves as 100 year olds and then completed a 100 year old questionnaire. We attached the questionnaire under each 100 year and hung it in our hallway! What a hit! Even the wee JK's and SK's are stopping and looking and older grades are stopping and reading. The kids did a great job.
Here the students are working on a great team building activity called "Build with 100". After the student designed something with their 100 blocks, the entire class did a Gallery Walk, and was able to provide each group with feedback :)
We did a lot of fun activities on 100's Day. All of our favourite 100 Day Activities are in this package! Check it out :)
For Valentine's Day, we created Valentine's Mailboxes to store our Valentine Cards in. You can get step by step instructions in our Perfect Valentine Pack- HERE.
Last year I purchased a cute little Valentine's Package (All You Need is Love- by The Teacher Wide) for my class. I didn't around to using it because my students were in grade 3 and little more advance.... but this year teaching grade 1/2 it was great. I purchased Candy Conversation Hearts and made a little pack for each student. They used them to sort, add, subtract and graph!
We found the History of St. Valentine was a little too much for our grade 1's, 2's and 3's. So Christine decided to use the history of "The Love Knot" as a writing activity this year. Each student brainstormed and created a love knot letter for their family or family member. I staped the history, love knot (and brainstorm sheet) together and put it in an envelope. The students brought it home to give as a little Valentine note of thanks and love.
At the end of the day, I gave the students LOVE POX.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!! Found this idea on The Teacher Wife's Blog! Love her! Check it out here.
I sent the kids home with a mini pack of heart stickers and this letter (you can pick it up here).
Adorable and the kids LOVED it. So many laughs and excitement.
Enjoy your evening! Happy Valentine's Day :)
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