Once again my students amaze me. They are so creative and all it takes is giving them some examples and some background information and they run away with it. Our class has just finished the media projects. Like everything we create, it takes time and it is all trial and error. I found the package worked really well with the students. I made anchor charts out of the lessons and used the pbs kids site that was mentioned in the previous blog. The kids took turns on the site with partners at the smartboard creating their own advertisements and presented them to the class. When I felt they had a good understanding of what an advertisement needs and what a target audience might be looking for, I knew they were ready to create their own product. The students used Chinese take-out boxes for their finished products and will be presenting their juice boxes to the class this week. We then will be voting on a class favourite based on what appeals to us and the strategies used. The two other classes have chosen to use the package for a candy bar and for cereal boxes. So far so good, they have loved the package and it is fitting their needs. Here are some pics of my class's work.
We are working on Multiplication and Division in math right now and I want to share this site with all of you. My awesome Educational Assistant that is always finding fun things to do, found this site that had a great activity for arrays and it has turned out to be our launch into Urban and Rural communities. So a big THANK YOU goes out to Kimberly Mayea! I think you are so incredible and am so grateful to have you as a partner in education.
I used the chart she provided for the students work. It was a great communication tool that showed me exactly where the student's understand is. We had students orally share their work with us and focused on the use of mathematical vocabulary and the different levels of understanding. http://eisforexplore.blogspot.ca/
We also continue to observe the Lenten Season in our classroom.
Here is a Lenten Prayer Freebie I have created to use with your students (if you so wish).
Have a great week :)
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