This Week in Grade 1/2 -- Letter Writing, Asking Questions and Mapping!

It's almost that time! With one month left, the end is near.
This post is gonna be a quick one, as I desperately need to OPEN my report cards! UGGGH!

We still have sooooo much to do in so little time.... so we're truckin' along! The benefits of teaching a younger grade is that they have very little concept of time :)
This week we did a little "synthesizing"
(asking questions while we read). This is our reading focus this month.
I created a K W L page and went from there.
Here it is if you would like to use it:
The book we used was about ANACONDAS!
{The Boys LOVED it!}

We have dove into letter writing and wrote letters to Farmer Brown (from the book Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type)
Each student chose an animal to write from the perspective of, asking Farmer Brown for something specific and why they thought they deserved it. The kids are almost done their good copies, which I will share soon because they are SOOO darn cute!

This week we also dug deep into Plural Work!
I picked up this cute freebie to assist :)
I used it in many different ways. Below are some pictures where I had the kids sort with a partner the words under the headings they belonged with.
{s or es}.

Finally, in Social Studies, we are working on a mini- project called "Me On The Map". It's turning out very cute! I will post some pictures soon about this, as well the sheets to accompany it.
 Very easy, but impactful.
