9 Days left for fun before Christmas!

Making the most of the last nine days before Christmas is going to be tough. The last days before the holidays are jam packed with assemblies, special lunches, crafts, and students that are excited for the coming of Christmas. Trying to get it all done and sneak in some meaningful work will be tricky.
We are adopting and making reindeer this week. After naming them, we will be featuring them in a story using some interesting story starters.

Last week we made 3-D figures with marshmallows which is always a student favourite.
Here is Maddy's "Tweet Student of the Week Board" from the week before.
Congratulations to David on his fantastic "Tweet student of the Week" last week.
David was joined by both his brother's and his mom for his special lunch. A special Thank you to David's parents for doing such a great job on their homework assignment.
We started our Forces of Nature projects last week, and should have them complete before the holidays. The students worked hard at the computer lab researching their topics and reading non-fiction text. We discussed how non-fiction can have words that are challenging and the students worked hard to decode meaning from what they found.
Here is the students brainstorming the different types of forces that cause movement. We are doing the drama activity that goes with this sometime this week.
These activities and more can be found in the Forces and Movement Package.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
