Prepping for St. Patty!

Spending a day tasting the Rainbow!

We will begin the morning with some letter writing from the Leprechaun's point of view.  I found this incredible freebie at Teacher Pay Teacher to begin our morning and get our imaginations moving.
I have a rainbow craft planned that I found on Pinterest. I made a template of the pot of gold the students can trace and cut out, and we will be making the secondary colours we need out of primary colours as a class.
For math, we are going to Skittle our way into Median and Mode.
Each student will receive a package of skittles at the beginning of our lesson. I like to have the students take the skittles home with them instead of eating them at school, that way they can be shared with their families and they have the approval of their parents to eat them. They might sample one at school ;)
The Riddle Skittle math book is also a great resource we will be referring to, and as I mentioned I am also using this opportunity to teach median and mode. (something that needs to be covered but not found in the Math Makes Sense Manual)
Using special days in the year to teach concepts that students will need to remember for EQAO testing, is one trick that I have found useful. It gives them a memory different from the regular lessons we cover and they can easily think back to the activity.  
Here is the activity I found on Teacher Pay Teacher that I plan on using tomorrow.
For the students who finish early, here is a preview of the freebie I found that has estimating, sorting,  addition, subtractions, division and graphing for the students to work on.
As a treat in the afternoon we are making green floats. It is a science/math experiment on the reaction between sherbet and pop. I have the students predict what will happen when the two ingredients are mixed together, we measure the liquids and a solids needed in our recipe, then we get to taste the results.
Finally, at the end of the day we learn some simple steps to the jig and dance the jig as our DPA.
Have a Great St. Patrick's Day!!!


  1. I pinned your cute rainbow craft to pinterest. My students would love the floats!
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  2. Thank you Mrs. Christy! I love sharing ideas and pictures are a great way to do it. My class loved the floats. Hope you try them. :)



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