Groundhog Day and 100's Day!

What a crazy fast moving week. Monday was a snow day, Tuesday was a belated groundhog day, Thursday was parent teacher interviews, and Friday was 100's day. When you have a week like that , you blink and it is over. 

Here are some of the highlights of our week. 

I absolutely love groundhog day, so even though we missed it because of a snow storm, I had so much planned I decided to still celebrate it with the students.  It is a great opportunity to practise whole teaching. You can easily touch on all the subjects with this holiday. The students began their day with a groundhog story then they made groundhog popsicle stick puppets, a stage for a poem and a home for all our materials from the day. A groundhog is an amazing mammal and there are so many interesting facts about them. My favorite ground hog day book is "Groundhog gets a Say" If you haven't read it , you will love sharing it with your class. It is a great resource for teaching VOICE.

Mid-week indoor snow activities

It was a week indoors with the very cold temperatures and all the ice and snow. What can you do indoors in Canada?  You plan cotton ball snowball fights and make igloo's. 

I found this craft on pinterest and we had an incredible cotton ball snowball fight in the classroom. The cups with the balloon glued on the end worked like a sling shot and was a great launcher for the cotton balls. What a way to use up some energy when you are stuck inside all day because of the weather outside. 

After talking about things you can do with snow, we read a non-fiction book on igloos. The student in my class love non-fiction. I decided to make igloos with them and they took their time starting at the bottom and working their way to the top with marshmallows, all the while pretending they were using blocks of snow. 

For 100's day I used activities from our "The Simple 100th Day of School" package. We sorted different snack foods onto our place mats and then I had them fill their snack foods into a triangular bag starting smallest to largest. Great assessment activity for math. We also made Froot Loop necklaces and placed number markers counting by 10's. The student's also drew what they would look like when they are 100 years old and had to count how many licks it would take them to finish a lollipop. Our package has so many activities, it is impossible to do them all in one day.  

Thank you
